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San Francisco: A Sanctuary City
April 29, 2009 | Permalink
This absence of compassion doesn't deserve a snappy comeback. What was going through your mind?
Posted by: John Foust | Apr 29, 2009 10:24:35 PM
The real question, though, is what are they thinking in San Francisco? If you have a medically fragile minority population, don't you have an obligation to protect them if you run the city?
Posted by: Tom McMahon | Apr 29, 2009 10:32:03 PM
If you've read about the recent flu, you'd learn that it strikes the hardest on people with a strong immune system - like the young, like your son and mine. It causes your own cytokines to overreact and attack your lung tissue. It's like a really bad, bloody asthma attack. So whose son or daughter are you wishing that upon, and why?
Posted by: John Foust | Apr 29, 2009 11:00:06 PM
To John:
Everyone is making jokes on television about swine flu.
Even Barack Obama talked of "gallows humor" not too long and he was given a huge pass.
Keep up the great work, Tom. Somehow these hare-brained ideas (sanctuary cities) do come back to bite you. Think of the overwhelmed hospital emergency rooms since those in the left box won't have medical insurance.
People have got to get a grip.
Posted by: Bruce Oksol | Apr 29, 2009 11:01:38 PM
Whether or not the Sanctuary City movement is a good idea, whether or not you agree or disagree with US immigration policy, whether or not you think homosexuality is a lifestyle and AIDS is God's punishment the sheer bloodthirstiness of making a joke out of "One Darn Good Idea" shows the lack of basic humanity involved in writing this piece.
Don't lecture me to, "Get a grip," jackass. There's a difference between a little gallows humor and wishing for the slow death of thousands of people.
Posted by: grumps | Apr 29, 2009 11:48:10 PM
Liberals and leftists never, ever stop to think about the possible consequences of their decisions and policies. (In fact, they never pause to reflect on the actual outcome of their policies, either.) All they really care about is having the "correct" views so that they can feel good about themselves. Since the left considers it bad to discriminate in any manner at all, and since treating illegal aliens differently from citizens is "discrimination," we end up with the travesty of sanctuary cities.
Chickens, meet roost. Some may consider this 4-Block World to be "cruel." I consider it to be an appropriate political cartoon. Oh, and unlike the literal-minded, I cannot see how this means that Tom is "wishing for the slow death of thousands of people."
P.S.: How can you tell you're winning an argument with a leftist/liberal? He starts calling you names.
Posted by: Sparticus | Apr 30, 2009 1:29:22 AM
Well, Spartacus (as we scholars spell it), I guess you'll have to ask yourself which meaning Tom intended. If he'd written "One Darn Bad Idea" does your preferred meaning change? Does the meaning that I saw change?
Which is the better cartoon, assuming equally funny twists: the one that can't be misconstrued or the one with a possible interpretation that it would be a great idea to see a group of people die?
As for name-calling, please visit BadgerBlogger.com, the Wisconsin conservative home of the ad hominem attack. Point out a fact over there, and they'll tell you that your forehead is too big and that your wife is sleeping with the UPS man.
Posted by: John Foust | Apr 30, 2009 7:58:05 AM
Putting thousands of illegal aliens in San Francisco was not Tom's Darn Good Idea. He isn't making a suggestion: it is an idea that is already being implemented. It is crystal clear to me, then, that Tom is sarcastically pointing out the idiocy of doing this. Reading it as an absence of compassion demonstrates a lack of understanding of current events.
Posted by: Peter | Apr 30, 2009 9:16:32 AM
Every city in America is a "sanctuary city" for Mexican visitors, Mexican immigrants, and traveling Americans returning from Mexico. Indeed, as a percentage of those who are daily crossing the border from Mexico to San Francisco, illegal immigrants can safely be assumed to be a very small fraction of the whole. To concentrate on illegal immigrants, therefore, as Tom does here, is just your everyday run-of-the-mill political opportunism.
Not that facts matter or anything.
Posted by: LaurenceB | Apr 30, 2009 12:49:46 PM
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me..."
We'll take the "huddled masses yearing to breathe free." San Francisco can have all the rest.
Posted by: Woody | Apr 30, 2009 3:18:36 PM
I dont' hang around the Ted Rall website, but I can't believe his comments are full of conservatives arguing against his jokes.
These are jokes with a conservative bent. Irony and humor trump all of this hair splitting. There is black humor here too, so don't go looking for compassion.
Posted by: Fourblockhead | Apr 30, 2009 6:37:33 PM
John Foust,
Thanks for pointing out my error!
Posted by: Spartacus | May 1, 2009 11:37:56 PM
> This absence of compassion doesn't deserve a snappy comeback. What was going through your mind?
> Don't lecture me to, "Get a grip," jackass. There's a difference between a little gallows humor and wishing for the slow death of thousands of people.
a) If they ALREADY have AIDS, then the Swine Flu isn't going to give them a "slow death" -- they ALREADY have that.
b) You indeed need to Get A Grip, you humorless bozon.
> P.S.: How can you tell you're winning an argument with a leftist/liberal? He starts calling you names.
Yeeah, but it's hard to tell when that happens since they're usually doing that from the start, aren't they?
> If he'd written "One Darn Bad Idea" does your preferred meaning change? Does the meaning that I saw change?
No, what happens is it ceases to be a joke, and is instead a statement of blatantly obvious FACT.
That you need this explained clarifies that you, indeed, don't grasp humor in any way, shape, or form.
ALL humor (with the exception of puns and riddles -- both considerd "immature", and "childish", you note) devolves on the misfortune of others. Go ahead, tell me a joke you know, especially if it's universally funny. Now look close at it, and identify for yourself the person who had misfortune, embrassment, humiliation, or other Bad Things happen to them. I will just flat out guarantee you that it's there -- and the funnier it is, the greater the misfortune involved.
Humor comes from an interrupted defense mechanism. Your psychological defense "walls" get suddenly hit from a direction you did not expect them to be struck from, and you laugh.
Now, that knowledge, by itself, isn't going to give you a sense of humor. But if you make a real effort to let friggin' go and NOT try and be offensensitive (to use a Bloom County term), you might actually learn to develop one.
And... either way -- Get A Grip.
Posted by: Obloodyhell | May 2, 2009 10:08:52 AM
> As for name-calling, please visit BadgerBlogger.com, the Wisconsin conservative home of the ad hominem attack.
Ah, well, we ALL know that that kind of site is really, really HARD to find on the Left. Could you perhaps help me find one for comparison purposes?
^^^^^^^^^^------- Iz Joke.
Posted by: Obloodyhell | May 2, 2009 10:10:48 AM
It looks like, Tom, you were ahead of the World Health Organization. In today's news, a headline: "WHO fears complications if HIV and H1N1 viruses combine."
A "sanctuary city" who has no public health department is a recipe for disaster. This will be fascinating to follow.
Posted by: Bruce Oksol | May 2, 2009 10:55:41 AM
That's so cruel !! it makes me laugh a lot
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Posted by: credit law firms | Sep 9, 2011 12:45:13 AM
good point, that flu is gonna come around sometime and it ain't gonna be nice. kinda makes you want to head out of the city to the smaller city.
Posted by: credit repair | Nov 17, 2011 11:09:03 PM
There's that compassionate conservativism.
You complete and utter dick.
Posted by: Lazlo Toth | Oct 16, 2012 8:24:15 PM
I hope to fuck you don't consider yourself a Christian. If you do, you have some nasty surprises in store if He ever DOES come back.
Posted by: Lazlo Toth | Oct 16, 2012 8:24:35 PM
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