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Minnesota Proud
October 6, 2009 | Permalink
Didn't Mondale take his home state, which would mean he lost 49?
Posted by: Mondale-backer | Oct 6, 2009 2:12:08 PM
Yes, he carried Minnesota in 1984. And he had never lost an election in Minnesota until 2002 when he took over at the last minute for the late Paul Wellstone.
Posted by: Tom McMahon | Oct 6, 2009 4:17:26 PM
Have to disagree on a technicality.
Don't the fringe party candidates do it every election?
Posted by: john galt | Oct 7, 2009 6:44:28 AM
Like, say, John B. Anderson in 1980? Egads, I voted for both of them!!!
Interesting point, though. The only question relates to all those quirky state ballot laws. For example, in 1968 was George Wallace on the ballot in all 50 states? Ans how many minor party candidates get on all 50 ballots so they're in a position to lose in all 50 states?
When he ran as an Independent in 1976, was Eugene McCarthy (yet another guy I voted for!!) on all 50 ballots?
Posted by: Tom McMahon | Oct 7, 2009 12:43:30 PM
Ha. Farve still confounds me. Why does he let his team practice all summer without him? If he could just make up his mind 3 months earlier, his team can either work with him or with a another new first stringer for a much greater chance of success.
Posted by: Norris Kully | Aug 29, 2010 7:34:01 PM
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