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Kennedy vs Nixon on The Environment

Kennedy vs Nixon on The Environment

July 27, 2010 | Permalink


Quite the Nixon fan aren't we?

As he signed my draft notice, I must recuse myself on passing judgement.

Posted by: 4blockhead | Jul 27, 2010 4:57:16 PM

The Draft Lottery is the only thing I've ever won in my life!

Posted by: Tom McMahon | Jul 27, 2010 9:07:49 PM

In fairness to Kennedy, he didn't ask for the eternal flame.

Regardless, it's inappropriate. Famous/prominent people need about 50 years after their deaths for a reasonable assessment to be made (can anyone say "MLK" or "Rosa Parks"?).

Posted by: Sparticus | Jul 27, 2010 11:56:59 PM

I can make a pretty reasonable assessment of Obama already:

"Incompetent jackass"

I made that assessment before he got elected.

I'll lay huge odds it'll be the final assessment in 50 years, too.

Can anyone say "Carter II"?

I want my OTP!!

Posted by: O Bloody Hell | Jul 28, 2010 7:15:23 AM

> As he signed my draft notice, I must recuse myself on passing judgement.

Ah, yeah, Vietnam was all Nixon's fault. Ah-huh.

Kennedy had nothing to do with it, nor Johnson.

Nothing at all.


Posted by: O Bloody Hell | Jul 28, 2010 7:16:49 AM

Campaigned in 1960 on a tax cut for the middle class...yup, Kennedy.

Posted by: McGonnigle | Jul 28, 2010 7:37:34 AM

Obama isn't incompetent. He is making major progress towards his goal of destroying America as we knew it and turning it into a socialist, totalitarian nightmare.

We have our first anti-American president. He does not identify with the country or the people, and is actively hostile to us.

You really have to get over this "incompetent" notion. He's not. He's much, much worse than that.

Posted by: Sparticus | Jul 31, 2010 12:51:49 AM


(I know that both Kennedy and Nixon were pale people, but from now on, when someone challenges my leftwing orthodoxy, I will accuse him of racism. It saves me from having to think or deal with facts.)

Posted by: Donald Sensing | Aug 4, 2010 11:51:29 AM

> Obama isn't incompetent. He is making major progress towards his goal of destroying America as we knew it and turning it into a socialist, totalitarian nightmare.

This marks a competent traitor, not a competent PotUS.

Posted by: OBloodyhell | Aug 8, 2010 6:53:45 AM

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