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Justice Denied

Justice Denied

January 9, 2011 | Permalink


8 million Southern Citizens
Constitutional recognition of slavery.
1 liberal (REPUBLICAN) president....

Justice Denied...

Remember people...The majority is ALWAYS right.

Posted by: Michael | Jan 9, 2011 3:25:34 PM

Well this is the most stupid argument against gay marriage I've ever seen. You are a real stupid piece of shut Tom. Oh and judging by your hat I can tell exactly why you are so afraid of gays. You know the old swung, methinks the lady doth protest too loudly!

Posted by: Craig | Jan 10, 2011 5:56:15 AM

Paraphrasing Sleepless in Seattle: You've got trolls!

Good work. Extra points for meriting the above ad hominem smear.

Keep up the good work!

Posted by: dmurray | Jan 10, 2011 7:37:53 AM

Hey Craig,

The US is supposed to be a constitutional republic. The first part means the rule of law is supreme, not the rule of man; the second part means that sovereignty lies with the people.

The people of California made their laws clear by means of a democratic election. One homosexual judge struck that down.

This is the rule of man, not the rule of law. The will of the people was abrogated due to a person's personal preferences. This is the very definition of tyranny.

This doesn't even touch upon the very real harm that public acceptance and promotion of homosexual behavior does.

Posted by: Sparticus | Jan 11, 2011 12:43:33 AM


I think you're leaving something out there. Hmm, now what is it... Oh yeah! Now I remember: it's the unprovoked attack on Fort Sumter that followed the unilateral secession of seven states!

Posted by: Sparticus | Jan 11, 2011 1:18:25 AM


I think you're leaving something out there. Hmm, now what is it... Oh yeah! Now I remember: it's the unprovoked attack on Fort Sumter that followed the unilateral secession of seven states!

Posted by: Sparticus | Jan 11, 2011 1:18:25 AM

Sorry about the double posting....

Posted by: Sparticus | Jan 11, 2011 1:19:07 AM

Poor analogy since Lincoln and an anti-slavery Congress were elected by the people (including Southern voters). Furthermore elected representatives and state legislatures passed the Amendments ending slavery.

The proper analogy would be if a Redneck judge then overturned the duly passed amendments.

Posted by: 4blockhead | Jan 12, 2011 9:34:02 AM

Bad comeback. Lincoln was not elected by "the people" but by "the states" (Electoral College), and the states that opposed the results and the power of the northern states chose to voluntarily leave the union, which was a legal action not denied under the Constitution...but the majority waged war against those states to force them back, and you're okay with that. So, should the majority voters who voted for the law wage a military war against gay judges?

Posted by: Woody | Jan 14, 2011 11:48:07 AM

Let's cut to the heart of the matter: I think it's great that you put something special, someplace special with someone special. Goody for you. I have no problem with that. But I da*n sure don't want to give you a tax break to do that--effectively, you're asking for money out of my pocket, because you do something special. Nope. Not interested. --fog

Posted by: Fog | Jan 14, 2011 9:25:38 PM

Woody, no. I can see seceding from the Union as a possibility, but one that must be discussed first. War should have been the last option, not the first. The southern states that seceded did so unilaterally, before Lincoln was even inaugurated, and then attacked a Federal fort. They were in the wrong, at it was right of Lincoln to fight back to preserve the Union.

Which does not deny the possibility of secession; just the manner.

If you read Lincoln's words, you see that while he was strongly anti-slavery, he also took every opportunity to say that he wasn't going to meddle in slave-state affairs. The hotheads in the South jumped the gun (think of Rhett Butler's response to the secessionist hotheads in "Gone with the Wind").

Posted by: Sparticus | Jan 15, 2011 1:43:59 PM

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